Originally Posted by Ichirin
Sitting on the a king's back i felt good, though that's not the thing i am thinking about. The only thing that was circling around in my mind was Myzuri, she sat right infont of me, though i couldn't stop thinking about her. Actually i can't stop thinking about us. Myzuri let her head fall into my shoulders, I holded her. Between all the things about Myzuri inside my head now there was an other though circling, the thought of the dragons. Now i was worried, i holded Myzuri tight to me. I was thinking what would happen if she'll die fighting for me. "No, i will not let that happen to someone i love, not anymore !" i yelled out. Myzuri looked at me, worried ofcourse. I shouldn't make her worry about me, therefor there's a chance she'll try to protect me and die, but that must not happen. Now i holded Myzuri even tighter to me, saying :" I will never let you lose my heart, i promise you that." I cuddled her, thinking of happy times with Myzuri now. When we entered the desert the sun started to rise, it must've been a beautiful sight, cause that's what Myzuri told me, and i've putted my faith into her. In the desert Kaulus wasn't moving as quickly as before, the sand made him to lose his grip so he couldn't ran as fast anymore.
*When Myzuri is going to online, she has a lot of catching up to do  *
***I know! don't remind me that i have a problem with getting online....and another quick thing is....MyzurA has an "A" at the end, not an "I" lol......but, i guess it's my turn now...***
I sat on Kaulus's back, snuggled tightly in Ichirin's arms. I can feel how much he worried about me. I could see why. That was a large number of dragons that we would be saving. All I hoped for was that Ichirin didn't try to be the hero and get hurt, or even killed, trying to protect me. If anything, he has to worry about all of us. I dare not remind him that we are all important. And even though I don't say much to the others, i don't know whatt I would do if any of them were hurt or killed. They are my friends and they mean alot to me, like Ichirin does. Thinking about them all made me cry.
"What's the matter?" asked Ichirin. He obviously felt my sadness. i was afraid to let him know I was crying at all. I'm a warrior, I don't do that, but, I couldn't help it. Instead of stopping, I continued to cry.
"I'm just so worried that someone is going to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Especially you. I don't know why you mean so much to me..." he brushed my hair back.
"It's ok to cry. It means you are human. And it's ok to be human. So, go ahead and cry if you want to." and i never thought i'd find myself crying in front of him. and even though i was crying, i did notice that it didn't make him think little of me, it didn't make him think i wasn't strong. After I had calmed down a bit, i looked up at him.
"I think...I know...I love you...I truely love you..."
***HA HA HA! I make you continue that scene!***