01-25-2007, 10:34 PM
Myzuri was looking frustrated by the dragon, it was making her mad. I can't let this happen, i can't let her lose control, losing control means losing a battle with which i mean losing your life. I can't let her die, though i had no intention to fight i said to the dragon: "I'll fight you, if you let the girl be."
The dragon looked at me confused, and he answered me :" If I win, i can eat her, are you fine with that" a giant smile turned up on his green scaly body.
"Then i'll just make sure i won't lose." i answered him, laughing back at him. I stuck my hand onto the handles of Mother&Father, ready for firing any minute now. But i'll let him make the first move.
The dragon looked at me, with that big smile of his. Then he was speaking something in that language that i heard before. Then all of the sudden there were a dozen little guys in dark brown capes around me, they all jumped up from the desert sand beneath me. Quickly i triggered Mother and aiming at one of these creatures head, they dodged it...or no they didn't dodged it. It seems like they only consist of sand, the bullet went right trough him. At that moment i knew I couldn't win, not even this battle. I started to cry a bit, thinking of what would happen with Myzori , i didn't care about myself.
"Run, you fool Run !!!" i yelled at Myzuri.

Starrin' & Teasin'
I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here
Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here