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LittleSpoon (Offline)
Posts: 51
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: IN, USA
11-14-2007, 06:49 AM

The books my college used back when I was studying were (unfortunately) the "Japanese for Busy People" series, which I always thought was a bit lacking... When I studied abroad last year, we used a textbook called Nakama in my classes, which was much better. My friends that were taking the beginner classes were using Genki, and from I saw of it, it seems pretty decent. I don't know too much about Minna no Nihongo, but that my roommate when I was working for a certain defunct English conversation school in Japan used it. Basically...anything is better than JBP...imho.


「もう笑わないなんて、人嫌いなんて、言葉そう言わな いで。」ハイ・カラ


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