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JF Ossan
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11-14-2007, 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Okay, here goes. I`m going to write a fairly offensive sounding reply.

The characters in these files are *clear* and *easy to read*. If you cannot read them, it means that you do not know them at all. You say you`ve done 400. Well, then you should definitely know most of those in the pdfs - especially as they appear to be in order of frequency. Common sense says that you should have studied these first.
If there are a handful which you are unable to read, that is one thing. But no, you`re asking for these entire lists to be typed up again so that you can do a copy+paste. Doesn`t sound much like a dedicated student to me.

If there are specific kanji you are having a problem with, ask about those. While I don`t mind helping people, I DO mind typing out their "homework" for them.
I agree, Nyororin.

If you cannot see those kanji, you need to get new glasses.

The idea of having a cut-and-paste dictionary is surely attractive, but you can look all of those kanji up on line or with (gasp) a paper dictionary.
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