Thread: Tatoeba project
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trang (Offline)
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Tatoeba project - 11-14-2007, 10:37 PM


I am new to this forum. I came here because I need a lot of help, mostly from people fluent in Japanese and English, and perhaps some people here could help. But what I'm going to talk about can also be useful to any Japanese learner.

I started a project which aims to build a French-Japanese (and English-French) corpus. In other words, I'm trying to build a large collection of sentences with translations in French, English and Japanese.

The project is hosted here : TATOEBA Project - home

The reason why I need people fluent in English and Japanese is because the corpus I'm trying to build is based on a already existant Japanese-English corpus, the Tanaka Corpus. The Tanaka Corpus has 150,000+ pairs of sentences, and many of them still need to be improved or corrected.

There's a long story behind this project but I don't want to bore anyone with that. If you want to learn more about it, there's documentation on the website.

This is the kind of project that could become really useful but it needs more people! So please take a look if you have time.


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