Thread: Book Idea!
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kcyk8703 (Offline)
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11-15-2007, 08:39 AM

Sounds interesting, potential indeed, but not enough information to understand where the plot goes nor what the main conflict is.
Making a story is tough I know, a few tips i can offer you is:

a) Do your research, if you decide to use mythological creatures, names, symbols, objects, be sure you have a fairly mounted grasp of their history. Many readers enjoy reading factual knowlege, the more accurate the better.
Avoid using too much of "wiki" pages, get information from real books instead.

b) Establish a setting and timeline, a story will never progress significantly enough or finish if this hasnt been planned. Plan the initial idea first, worry about side stories after the main plot has been decided. (if you add on side stories while you create the main plot, tends to make the story confusing and lose its point.)

c) Define your characters, who are the protagonists, who are the antagonists, as well as people which will be encountered. (If this evolves into a graphic novel, ensure to make plenty of background people otherwise it gets dull fast.)

Some personal side notes:
- Your character is 14, and stumbled upon the mountain by accident <--- Concepts like this require some explanations such as "Why is he wandering around?", "How does one accidentally find a mountain (they're quite large)"
- The initial setting -Mountain town, always snowing, headquarter- <--- Give a history lesson on that town, "why is it there?", "Why is it always snowing?", Why is the headquarter located there? (is it hard for the creatures to reach?)"
- What are the creatures? Have they always existed, evolved from something? Why do they do what they do?

- Like you I am writing a novel/graphic novel, I have 10 beta readers to help me fix loop holes and make the story more concrete (on hiatus til school lightens up with the projects.) I suggest you do the same, find yourself trustworthy and knowledgable people to read the beginnings of your story. Be descriptive when you write, if your character has something special like a sword, make that object tanjable.

If this helped you any and you would like some more tips, just pm me, ill be glad to assist however I can.
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