Thread: Book Idea!
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(#27 (permalink))
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forgotenmemory (Offline)
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11-15-2007, 02:24 PM

Okay I'll tell you about it folks. Wish me luck. *deep breath*

It starts with a boy named Alex who is from St. Louis.

One night as he slept a man entered his dream. His eyes really creeped out Alex, they were purple,blue,green, and red.

The man gives Alex a small key. But just as he does creatures called nightmares go into Alex's dream and try to kill him.

Alex runs for his life, but his legs won't move. As Alex kept trying to run, the man killed the beasts.

But as he walked to the man, now regaining feeling in his legs, he wakes up.

Then the next night, he dreams he is inside a large room. Another young man tells him about dreamcatchers.

What do you think so far?

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