Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#302 (permalink))
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Kuroneko (Offline)
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Location: Miharu, Japan
01-26-2007, 06:49 AM

My eyes open glassed over "hum?" I mumble while I lie in a crying Tatsu's lap, "umm? What ...What are you doing???" I say a little bewildered.

Tatsu releases me, "Am I still sleeping?" I say sitting up.

"No, I-I'm sorry" he says, moving to the other side of the fire slightly hiding his face,

"umm Its ok," I say shaking my head "Actually I've been meaning to ask you something, um how do I ask this .. Did you ... Did you know me before?" I ask "um becasue um I think I remember something from my past..." I try to think my thoughts threw, "um I think I remember you but you don't seem to remember me. That is not until recently um I think." My face is red, I'm a little embarrassed, "What it is I'm trying to ask is if you remember me or..or my name, I need to know" A ask Tatsu

A bit of awkward silence, I patiently wait to hear Tatsu response.

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."
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