11-16-2007, 01:29 AM
Yeah, they do have to provide food for the vegetarians or allow them to bring it from home. The thing is, I've never seen a vegetarian student. The only vegetarians I know have been ALT's and they start out bringing their own food, but eventually most of them convert to pescetarians (fish eaters) so they can at least eat most of the lunch.
Eating corn with hashi (sticks) is a pain because you can only get a few kernels at a time. I am used to spooning or forking down as much as I can in single bites.
Anyways, I will try to write more either today or next week. It really depends on how much lesson planning I get done today. But definitely I will be able to do so next week.
I'll leave you with a quickie:
As you know the students wear uniforms, but did you know that there is a specific day when they are allowed to start wearing there fall/winter versus there spring/summer uniform? When they change to the fall one, they are required to wear the jacket. If any kid is not wearing his jacket or pants properly, they have to have the permission of the teacher to do so.
(at junior high) On test, exam and special days throughout the year, the students have dress uniforms which are like the uniforms high schoolers wear everyday. Also on these days the teachers wear ties and slacks and the women dress business like as well. One thing that does not change though are the shoes. (as for the teachers) I don't care where you are in the world, do not ever wear tennis shoes with a suit and tie. If you are going to wear tennis shoes, make sure they are black, brown or dark grey. Basically any color other than white is a good idea. (the students) They all wear these little indoor slippers. I'm sorry, I just can't take anyone seriously if they are wearing white slippers with a black formal looking uniform on.
I will go into more detail about the appearance rules later. Right now, I have to crank out a worksheet or two for next week.