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Sovereignty (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Australia...Wish: Anime-Paridise
You KNOW you watch too much anime.... - 01-26-2007, 10:10 AM

...when there is a total power outage for about 2 hours and you sit with your parents and start to listen to the radio in hopes of finding out when the power will be back on...
...when being thankful for having a laptop with a crappy batter that only lasts about 20 minutes than having a computer
...when you only begin to listen to 'popular' songs because someone made a AVM (sp? to lazy to look it up) with one of your favourite animes.
...when you want to get into university just to have Japanese as a elective.
...then get pissed off when you find out that that Uni campus doesn't have a languages department and you cant go off to a different camous to learn it because of the course you are doing.
...So you decide not to take it...
...the Campus is in the middle of nowhere and the only time you would get to watch Anime is when you download it at home on the weekends, or if you buy it when you go into the 'subburbs.'
...when you begin to wonder if Japanese students LEARN anything in class.
...when you realise thats why they do all that studing beacse they dont learn it in class time.
...when you'd rather go to TAFE than Uni, beacuse Uni takes up more anime/Manga/stuff like that time...
...when you go to Uni anyway and fail beacuse you watched Anime instead of compleating your home work or studing.
...when you think about taking Japanese classes at TAFE to help you watch MORE anime... or to widen your anime choices.
...when you have watched an anime seriesin other than Japanese and English (or another language you know) ie: French (dubbed), Spannish (dubbed), Portugese (dubbed), and other languages that you dont know.
...when you watch them in another language becaue they haven't come out subbed for your language yet.
...when you start to copy and paste Japanese Romaji with translation onto a word file and write out translations of words from subs and scantalations.
...when you look up sites that translate words from English into japanese (ie JEDI (its a really good site!!!)) and then copy and paste those words into your dictionary.
...when you you deleate English songs on your MP3 player to put on more Anime songs.
...when you subdivide your MP3 players songs by what anime they come from beacuse there are some many on it.
...when you get pissed of that you cant get your MP3 player to change into Japanese.
...when you pull out your brothers internet connections during the middle of the night beacuse your internet is runnning slowly becasue he is downloading sci-fi.
...when you have read all that good henti stories for an big Anime (ie inuyasha) fanfiction.
...when you start to get paranoid during the night while on the net downloading anime/manga, beacuse you parents dont think that you should be up after 12.
...when the Tv and DVD player in your room is upluged beacuse you done watch normal tv any more and only get your 'anime fix' online.
...when the only Tv shows you do watch are your parents lifestyle shows with them and Documentrys
...when you cant wait to watch the documentry on kendo katanas and so on and you watch it again the next day beacuse its on again.
....when the only reason you dislike youtube is beacsue the screens for the anime are either too small or they get too blury.
....when you write out the anime shows version of the ending theme, and the full songs lyrics out in the same book.
...when you have in your favourites an 'art' folder, a 'Manga Downloads' folder, an 'Anime Download' folder, a 'Fanfiction' folder, a 'AFF anime' folder, and a 'Mediaminder' folder as you have that many websites to go to.
...when you cant understand why your friends dont like anime.
...when you realise that your cousin that you dislike/hate likes anime too, but can only watch English dubs beacuse she 'cant read' and then hate her beacuse Subs is the ONLY way to watch anime.
...when you get upset that your dad burns movies and takes off the Japanese languages off it.
...when you start writing about anime at sites that have nothing to do with anime.
...when asked "do you read alot?" by interviewers at Uni you start to to wonder about how much you should really telll them.
...when you stop watching normal Tv beacuse it doesnt compare to Japanese anime.
...when you go on to Wikipedia and look up stuff about Japan and its language.
...when you write into Foxtell and ask them if they can set up an anime channel.
...when you get withdrawal symptoms from not going on the internet daily.
...when the only reason you leave you room during the holidays is to bath, eat (or bring in food to yout room) or get fresh air.
...when you parents start to think that you should be knowing how to speak Japanese propperly intead of just knowing a few hundred words.
...when you write to sites like this.
...when you actualy have done half these things.
...when you know that is not so good for you but you cant stop it any way.
...when you read bady writen fanfics purely beacuse there aren't any good ones for you anime.
...when you tier up when the bad guy dies.
...when you expect an anime to have more questions than answers at the end of it.
...when you get pissed of that the anime show only has 12 or 26 episodes.
...when you dont watch real porn you watch anime hentai.
...when you realise you spelt a japanese word wrong but becasue its so far up in you writing that you cant be bothered.
...when you star to look for Japanese builders so you can have a modern Japanese house.
...when you dont have a heater in your house and only have a table witha a blanet heater (I CANT REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT!!!! like in Fruit Basket).
...when youd pefer to wear a japanese uniform than your current uniform, or wear the japanese on when you have no uniform.
...when you got to school on a free dress day wearing the Japanese uniform.
...when you start to use Japanese word instead of just thinking othe them when you use the English word.
...when you parents go into your room so that the remember what you look like.
...when you join a forum just to post some thing like this on it.
..................thats all for now.
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