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vulgarshudder (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 142
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Osaka
11-17-2007, 09:43 AM

I work at public elementary schools so sounds like my meals are alot more basic. And the food is prepared on the premises, and despite the fried things it is quite healthy compared to what has come to english school dinners (turkey twizzlers anyone).

But this week I had deep fried whale for lunch, it was a nostalgic school dinner thing. i have to say it was quite tasty! Then I ate it again the next day at a different school because they are in the next block for the city.

Oh and curry rice days are to die for days, at the start of the day you got a caramalised apple smell, then mid morning they add the spices, and it's a delicious delicious sweet curry with french style salad.

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