getting started -
11-18-2007, 06:46 AM
Allright heres a small part of the master plan that me and my friends have so that when we go to japan we dont get like screwed over on the streets with no money.
Ok in the u.s. im going to get a pilots liscense then im going to go to college to get a bachelors degree(at the minimal) in the japaneese language and use a technique called overlearning to study what they teach me and to study nouns and verbs that they dont teach me so ill be fluent enough to have a conversation and ill be able to read a newspaper.
What i want to know is knowing japaneese and having that pilots liscense what kind of odds do i have at getting a job as a comercial airline pilot for say the tokyo international airport or one of the many im sure it has.
Last edited by spawn142001 : 11-19-2007 at 10:45 AM.