Originally Posted by chachava
I dunno, EVERYONE over here seems to agree that university in Japan is a bit of a joke...
Except the people who actually study, you mean?
I went to university in Japan (not an exchange course - normal Japanese university.) and it wasn`t a joke. Neither was my husband`s university, nor those of any of our friends. The people who DID party the whole time paid for their actions.
The big thing is, it`s harder to get in than it is to stay in. You can do an awful job, and you`re not going to fail. But that doesn`t mean that any company you apply to isn`t going to check how well you did, and base part of their opinion on that.
Saying that Japanese universities are a joke is a bit insulting to those who actually worked hard - like most people I know.
ETA: The biggest difference I noticed between Japanese universities and those in the US - They don`t TRAIN you for your job in a Japanese university. The company you go to work for does all the work related training. University is just for building up knowledge.