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chachava (Offline)
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11-18-2007, 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
in what way is it a joke? i don't understand exactly what that means cos afterall, if i do Math in japan or in england or USA, after the degree, no matter what country i studied in, the course would have been the same!!!

Lets put it this way, if you mean its a joke cos lots of people party and there are not many lectures etc etc... its the same in england cos look at cambridge or oxford. i know lots of people there. they have MAX 12 hours of lessons per week!!!... then take me, i'm in france, and i have minimum 30 hours of lessons per week!!! french people think england is a joke, but when they actually go to england. most fail!! what people don't realise is that in UK and i'm sure in japan also, uni is suposed to be 70% individual work, and 30%guided!! so those people that party, might just pass with the average. but they sure as hell won't be accepted into a Masters program or something where it really counts

They just said the exams are really simplistic in comparison to american examinations

Funnily enough, I studied mathematics in England (The University of Sheffield) and I was doing a lot more than 12hours a week...
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