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JF Ossan
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11-20-2007, 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu View Post
hmmm...I don't know id I agree with you on that point...

I think manga is a style, not a medium.
The English-speaking world has appropriated the word to mean something its not. As a result we get "manga-style" which, as Haggis said, takes the most recognizable and popular stereotypes and then blocks everything else. To say "manga-style" is to say "music-style" and then say Britney Spears is the definition of music. Ok, what about Mozart? He doesn't sound anything like the "music-style" of Britney, therefore it must not be music.

Sounds silly, huh?

Ask a Japanese person what "manga" is and they will answer in one word: "comics".

By saying "manga-style" you are limiting the genre to a fine sliver of what's really out there.

Hiroki Endo's style looks nothing like Taiyo Matsumoto's who looks nothing like Hideshi Hino's who looks nothing like Osamu Tezuka (I can go on and on). If there is a "manga-style" how do all these artists fit in it? They don't. They each make (or made) manga, and each in their own style. What Britney Spears does and what Mozart did is both music (for the sake of argument), but they have completely different styles...genres... that's why we don't say things like "music-style".

Now if you want to dress-up like a favorite character... then you are in the style of a manga character, but that's different than "manga-style" which is a meaningless phrase.

Examples of Taiyo Matsumoto's manga:

Last edited by MMM : 11-20-2007 at 01:24 AM. Reason: added link
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