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JF Ossan
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11-20-2007, 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu View Post


I have been talking about the manga ARTSTYLE this whole time ._.

Wow...I am pretty stupid....
No, you're not. That's basically what I have been talking about, too.

Let's take Vampire Knight, for example. Now if you wanted to say there's a "shojo" style, I'd be less inclined to argue with you, as Vampire Knight's style is similar to a lot of the shojo books that we see in the west. I am not going to argue that the way Vampire Knight is drawn isn't a popular style (and I think it's a great book, by the way) but I think too many people call that popular, shojo-style of manga "manga-style". Not all shojo comics look like that, but there are a lot with a similar look.

Shojo is great and fine, and a very popular part of the manga world, but it's only a part. A part of a much bigger thing.

Pop music is great and fine, and a very popular part of the music world, but it's only a part. A part of a much bigger thing.
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