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dragonxkeeper (Offline)
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11-20-2007, 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that. Do you call it manga?
Like i said b4 it doesn't matter. U can call it manga,comics,u can call it shit for all i care. When i read manga, wat i focus mostly on is the art and story. If u have a great but sucky characters i'm gonna give u my full opinion and be like no this aint good enough to be called manga or other way around i'm gonna tell u to work on yo writtin skills or hire u sum one 2 write ur story 4 u. But thats just my opinion wat the hell do i kno.

"I can see it when you come alive, it's no surprise that you're leaving.every night when you close your eyes, lying there just breathing.I know, you know, this ain't the way to be living. I tried, you tried, to find a way to believe in. All this time, we've been giving in. Hold on,but it's dragging you down! Can you save me? Can you save me? I know it's hard to understand while it's slipping through your hands. Can you save me?" - Stiff Kitty
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