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Housetek (Offline)
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Location: Tokyo/Siagon/Philladephia
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11-21-2007, 10:09 AM

Do not travel within 4 days of new years.

every thing shuts down on new years and 3-4 days after.

I agency where i got my apartment decided to not tell me this and i was stuck in japan for 4days with no place to live.

and i wasnt about to shell out 400 bucks for a hotel.

Also many stores are closed.

Dont wear nice shoes on New years or the day after cuz you will end up stepping in vomit.

Japanese party hard, and you'll see that from the streets littered with drunk people.

Generally lil more traffic so avoid taking cabs.
(colder weather, snowy, wet, etc. etc.)

Do, take advantage of the Embrella covers or Umbrella holders when you enter a store.

Very impolite to have a wet umbrella when walking around *common sense*

and to the people who not know, most stores will have a lil box with a plastic baggy dispenser which you can slide your closed umbrella into and cover it.

heres a random one, lot of vending machines will have 2 selections of the same drink.

one colored in blue *cold* one colored in red *hot*

dont make the mistake by tryin to get a hot coffee or tea and selecting the blue button for it.

Do not buy expensive umbrellas, cuz they will get taken and you most likely will end up with some one elses.
many shops wont let you in holding a umbrella and require you to put them on the stand or rack. people just grab any umbrella on the way out, so dont be surprised if yours gets mistakenly taken.

umm thats all i can really think of now.

im actually not in Tokyo any more, =P ill be in vietnam until January 6th =D

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