Originally Posted by Kaicui
dude of course it matters ur going to be a teacher..i use to teach neighborhoods kids back in my old neighborhood english and u have to have perfect japanese to explain to some of these kids.
and i didnt even expect to be paid. i did it cuz alot of parents heard that i was a fluent english speaker visiting my grand parents and i spoke with zero asian accent and thats y they wanted me to teach their kids english.
U have to have zero accent of ur native language and zero gaijin speaking japanese accent if u want to teach english to japanese. dead serious or else nobody will take u seriously
ok i understand, but say it...did i write english very well? if i did well...then i will take japanese cursus...why? because, i want make myself understandable to japanese people...i know that in japan not everyone can understand english...but learning japanese would be also my hobby and it also a challenge for me, why again? i want to adapt in the japanese society otherwise i am like a blind person who lost his way