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Hotaru100 (Offline)
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Lightbulb Reputation Points - 01-27-2007, 06:46 PM

What about that if administrators just allow Reputation Points ony when some one like any thing.
no Dislike Reputation Points ???

and I think Administrators can manege it with these many tool that they have,
and here we can also report that, is the Reputation Points is right or this is like a spam...

But in the end I think spam for Reputation Points is not so easy,
One persone can only send once Reputation Points to any one on a same message, and if Administrators allow members to see the IDs of those members who sent Reputation Points to some one then spam can esily bloke.
And who can send Reputation Points to some one ?
Just that one who have Reputation Points. depending on his/her work...

I hope that what is best for this Forum

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