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KudoSan (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 146
Join Date: Sep 2007
11-23-2007, 01:55 AM

Aw what the heck, since no one has posted in this one, I guess I will.

Name: Kudo Masaki (マサキ クド)
origin: Tokyo, Japan
age: 18
other info: Good with a large broadsword he always carries on his back (about 1 foot wide and 4 feet long, weight is about 38 lbs), trained in the art of juujitsu, karate, and close hand to hand combat. Is a minor rank mage, can use very little spells, still training.

Biography: Kudo grew up in Tokyo Japan with his mother, he was always treated harsh by his mother and was forced to train with master Hiton Kiasu, who trained him to the bone in the art of juujitsu and karate. Also training with 50 lb bars as swords, he was trained in the art of swordfighting, day after day, he trained and was beaten raw by his master with those bars. And eventually, he became strong enough to hold the bar and block his masters every move, dodge his every attack and anticipate his moves, when he was told to take the blade, Kinsumate, and fight his master to the death, he was shocked. And eventually killed his master in his will.

Going home, he found out that a man had killed his mother hearing that it was a man in England, he sought revenge, and set out for england in search of his mothers killer.
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