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(#101 (permalink))
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Powermad147 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 575
Join Date: Sep 2007
11-23-2007, 06:28 AM

**fight scene...Ok, get into the mood...Think of all the people you hate! Think Mel Gibbson...DAMN YOU MEL GIBBSON!!! Ok ready to make a fight scene >_<**

I starred angrily at Christopher, somthing about him bothered me. The way he talked casualy with Lizzy, all the while speaking of her death. He was too comfortable with her. I didn't like it. Christopher charged at Lizzy, pulling a gun from his side and firing. Lizzy leans to the side, and as the bullet passes past her head she leads her right leg up into christophers chest. I take my chance, as does Lynn. I rush with my daggers drawn and Lynn pulls a gun from her side. I swing and Lynn fires, but as we do so Christopher flips back, barely avoiding the strike. He aims his gun at me and takes another shot while still running back, and I pull the dagger to my face as I spin out of the shots way. Lynn, Lizzy and I pull close to Christopher, all of us striking at once, Me with a dagger, Lynn with a punch aimed at the head and Lizzy with a kick aimed for the legs. Christopher successfully stops both the kick and the punc, but the dagger lands above his waist, in his gut. Christopher coughs up a bit of blood, and for a moment I thought that I had won. But Christopher looks up and smiles. I pull the dagger out quickly and aim for his face, but he pulls the gun to my chest and fires a shot. For a moment I faulter, and the world around me slowly fades. Before I black out, I have the satisfaction of seeing the large gash I've left across his pretty little face with my last blow, and after that, everything goes black.

**A little hint...Don't barry me just yet! xD Oh, but pretend you don't know that >_>**

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