Originally Posted by Tenchu
... Ah yoo serious? Those reinactments are history lessons on a dead culture. Going to a mueseum to see how things used to be done is not seeing a liveing culture. Silly. Japanese traditional culture is long dead. There are things stilla round that came from what once was, but the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate (GREAT SHOGUN) sealed the fate of Japanese tradition, the docks were opened and the culture died out. What you see today is completely different. As is with almost all countries.
I am not quite sure what you mean, Tenchu. Many of the traditions have been passed down generation to generation. The fact that kendo is a national sport taught in most high schools (and in a very traditional manner, in respect of the tradition and of those that have passed it down) is only one example of traditional culture still living in Japan. Calligraphy schools exist in every neighborhood in Japan, and are taught to the young and old, alike. The kimono is hasn't changed much. Shasen and Shamisen music is still taught, learned, played. Karate, Judo, the tea ceremony, flower arranging, traditional hanko making. All still very much alive in Japan.