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11-24-2007, 08:12 PM

Yeah...I don't think many countries will just up and leave their language and culture. It's just not practical.. The other thing is that people keep moving to countries and places they like and those who transfer into whatever country they decide to usualy like the culture (otherwise they wouldn't be there) and adapt to them (while keep up their own). And Tenchu I say WE because you can't just see the world as a group of individuals, what each of do affects others and to be in the mind set that you can do whatever you want without affecting others just ends badly. We are in this world together and we won't survive if we forget that. And I'll first to admit that Hitler was a military genius, so were Sadam Hussain and Fidel Castro, but that doesn't mean the world needs what they do.

"I am what I am and that's all that I am" - Popeye
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