Thread: Tattoo Help
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11-26-2007, 09:33 AM

usually a clan crest or something like that

the tattoos can range from full body to *most of the time* full back and sleeves down to the wrists.

there is a distinctive style to them

many times a koi/dragon/kabuki figure/etc.

the tattoos are done has one solid piece, so the back will link to the sleeves and legs and such.

other words

you see some one with a dragon on his arm or tribal, or kanji
it doesnt mean hes yakuza.

You see some one with tattoos from his neck to his wrists.. then you have your self a yakuza style tattoo.

just do a google search you'll see the style im talking about.

and yes you will not be able to get into many onsens with tattoos.

i've tried, and was denied horribly =P

there are gaijin onsens.... if you wana take baths with fatty foreigners.. but that wasnt for me sooo ill just have to pass on that experience.

Plus i can go in the bathhouses in vietnam w/o a problem and get the same experience.

i have heard of some places letting you slide with a few small pieces done... but i have my entire back tattooed. so that was a no go.

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