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(#766 (permalink))
Alastor (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Jul 2007
11-26-2007, 04:57 PM

I'll try to keep this short. I played MH on the PS2, offline. I mentioned it because I was comparing a repetitive levelling experience at Valkurm Dunes to playing Monster Hunter offline, and even then, Monster Hunter is more fun because there is no auto-attack ^_^. Do NOT get me wrong. I loved MH, but offline, it didn't last as long as I would have hoped. I used the word failure. It was a mistake. But I was referring to the repetitive nature of the game to compare it to the repetitiveness of farming/grinding/questing in MMO's in general.

I would suppose the FFXI experience varies, but generally, new people will not know too many people, nor will they end up in an awesome Linkshell. Level 1-10 will not take a mere 2-3 hours bcause they will NOT know what they're doing - especially if they're starting as a white or black mage. At level 18, however, you can finish the quest that will enable you to select support jobs which is quite fascinating, and at level 30, you might even be closing in on rank 5's airship pass. You'll be able to unlock the 14 different advanced jobs available. This is when the game becomes generally REALLY fun. This is a concept that holds true for ALL main-series Final Fantasy games . The only difference is that other Final Fantasy games present to you a continuous storyline you don't stray too far away from. See how Final Fantasy 1-10 starts. See how Final Fantasy 11 starts. There is a difference - the lack of a solid story.

Finally, I stated that I played FFXII for the Marks rather than the story. FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX and FFX-2 were all played for fun gameplay and story. FFXII just didn't suit my tastes, but it presented with something that I found was even moer compelling. I loved playing it. That's how I prefer my games. Fun and lasting gameplay first and foremost. Everything else is just there to enhance the feeling and give it more depth, so to speak.

I hope I didn't miss anything, or that I offended any MH gamers. I don't dislike the game, please, I just think that, as an aspiring game designer, they took an awesome concept and didn't bother to give it more diversity.

Let's not get off-topic now please
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