11-26-2007, 05:41 PM
I step out my door
and its not my home
i'm in.
I see flowers blooming
blissfully. birds chasing
each other gayishly
but within me a storm
is brewing.
Twisteres, and shades of dark
go through my head.
nothing I see is what it
I wish I could understand
when spoken to.
Nothing makes sense to me
I no longer view the world
What's wrong with me. It
disgusts me to see people
happily, Why are they
happy? SHUT-UP!
The laughter *covering my ears*
They're laughing at me.
They talk....about me.
I load my shotgun.
Blood rushing from my
hands....what is this?
My heart is pounding in
my ears....is this it?
I look into the mirror, holes
in my body. What did I do?
Pain rushes to my body.
Hot tears roll down my face
They rush to my side
All I see is they're laughter
Nothing......why is it dark?
A light....must go to the light
....bright as day....voices
....familiar voices.
"She's back! She's made it!
Slowly blinking my eyes I see
the faces who laughed at me.
Hot tears roll down my face.
Must I live through life
again! Let me go back!
Let me stay gone forever!
I don't want to be here!
Let me....let me go!
.....let me go away!
Again the silence....the nothingness....
*Gasp* As I wake to find myself sweating in the darkness. I get up to turn
my light on. I'm in my room. I look in my mirror, take off my shirt and there on my chest are three scars, of were the bullets entered my body. "It wasn't a dream. It was real." I go to my mother's room. She's fast asleep. "Mom."
"What is it hunny?" I hesitate. "Did I really try to kill myself?" A long pause from my mother. "Yes you did." "Oh I see." I go back to my room without another word.
I find my small pistol
....load it
....put it to my head
...."Good-bye cruel world"
Property of Eiri & Pexster
Virtual Boyfriend...Hyakushi in *Indian suit*
Eiri - 41 : Rojjin -43 : Sly - 121 : Yuna7780 - 57 : reihino - 14 : Crani - 22 : Ramones1976 - 0 : AnimeBaby112 - 3 : Arikado - 1 : KikiBunny23 - 3 : Pexter -0 