Thread: Wii
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11-26-2007, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
apparently theres a short supply of wiis. this year. Here's an article.

"You might be disappointed if you're hoping that you'll get a Nintendo Wii for Christmas.

Shops are struggling to keep up with the demand for the snazzy device, which is movement controlled.

The makers, Nintendo, said it was "doing everything possible" to keep up with demand. It's made an extra 3.5m consoles globally for Christmas.

Special websites have even been set up to help shoppers locate the Wii, which has been in short supply for months.

But Nintendo say that not everyone who wants a Wii is guaranteed a Wii this Christmas.

"The demand for Wii hardware globally has been unprecedented and higher than Nintendo could ever have anticipated," said a spokeswoman."

Because of the demand for the games console, some shops are selling it for about £300, when it's normally about £180.
Would anyone really pay £300 for it? lol Suckers.

Nintendo is so trying to get attention cause they know they're gonna be shadowed by Sony How come it's being highly demanded now, all of a sudden, when it's been out for a whole year?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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