Originally Posted by DAMB
I could try to get a better picture...
Anyway, I think it says 勝. So another question is: shouldn't it be 勝つ, or can you leave the last part out without really changing the meaning? (Yeah, I don't know anything... That I know.)
If this is the case, can you use 踊, instead of 踊る, for "to dance"?
And 演じ, or maybe even 演, instead of 演じる, for "to perform"?
And while I'm at it... is there a female version for:
歌手 - singer
俳優 - actor
作家 - writer
画家 - painter
(Feel free to correct me, or give precisions .)
Thanx for any help ou can give me.
I guess it's too late for the "Don't get weird kanji tattoos" speech.
It means "win, victory" but isn't actually a word all by itself. You could add つ to make 勝つ, but then you have the verb meaning "to win". Again, pretty meaningless without any context.
Just out of curiosity, what idea are you trying to convey?
勝ち気 is a winning, or unyeilding spirit/attitude. That's a little more meaningful.
勝者 is a winner.
勝ち栗 is a dried chestnut.