Originally Posted by MMM
Japanese people don't speak English.
I find this quote very amusing, haha. Because it is very true. Even most Japanese English teachers barely speak English. That is why I find it so amusing. When I got my current JTE the first question I get from her is, "Do you speak Japanese?" My thought was, um to you, no. You're the English teacher. So I said no, not at all. Three months later she turns to me and says, "I have to take a test for English proficiency, but I am not worried. My English has improved a lot because I have to speak it with you." It was f'ing hilarious.
Anyways Josh, no one is trying to discourage you because I know as well as I'm sure MMM knows that while what you are trying to do is not impossible, it certainly is difficult. Step 1 should just be getting over, meeting people and learning the language. You know there are some people who make a podcast show based in Tokyo who I am pretty sure are foreign. You may want to search iTunes for that and try to get in touch with them. There was also a post in this section a few days ago for some show on YouTube. Obviously these people are going to know more about filming in Japan than most on this forum.