Originally Posted by Saika
i have a lotttt of questions.
Im going to visit japan, and that being so im OBVIOUSLY going to tokyo.
would i be okay going on the subway?
[me not knowing japanese and i've never even been on a subway before]
oh god.
that does NOT sound good..
You can take the trains quite easily, as long as you know the place you are going to. They have maps with place names in romanji and this electronic sign in train cars displays the next stop in hirigana kanji and romanji
I still must advise learning some japanese, alot of japanese also know some english, they will not approach you (usualy) even if they do asking them a question in english may not gaurantee a reply (although they may understand what you are saying, and know how to reply back)
that is all :P
im sure there is more i can say but i cant think of it right now.