11-28-2007, 04:35 AM
Still refusing to join Spencer's tribe(The Krightons) They walked off into the direction of the shot's they heard earlier.As they approached the are the silhouette of 3 people emerged in front of them. Charly: "Wait, look there",she pointed. Spencer: "Looks like tribe members, and they have weapons drawn, get ready!!" (what's next??? Friends or Foe's??)
MOM- Yuri Yuri  r- IonFortuna
Stalker To-Excessum GirlFriend to-TheUnknown
Crazy Brother-Narutocrazy101
Big Brother- SeeD
Gatekeeper-animedude3 -Tasty Cream Pie To-Diru0gaze
Son-Thunda Talkative romantic brother-Powermad147
Auntie-tiki808 Auntie to- Eiri& ML
Kittie w/ Wings-Hoshichan  'ly Camera Vixen- Pjok
+~Member of the Tenjho Tenge Clan
Member-Maya Natsume+~ Member of the THE PERVY CLUB!! ~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~