Thanks mame for your help!

Really appreciate it!
I will try and learn what you have taught me. Though my kanji knowledge is quite limited so unfortunately I don't know how to pronounce some of the things you're saying. I will look it up though
今日は とてもうれしい! 日本人の友達と話したんだ ! 今、かのじょは日本にいる。 大好きだ!
今日も晴れだった。明日は、仕事があって、家に帰って 、二つ目の仕事に行く!残念!忙しいと思うんだ。
先週、二日しか働かなかったから、今週、あまりお金が ない。でも 今週は、六日も働く!来週が楽しみにだ! お金持ちになる!
(Good evening!
Today I am so happy! I talked to my Japanese friend! At the moment she is in Japan. I like her a lot!
Today was also sunny. Tomorrow I have work, will return home and then go to my second job! Too bad.. I think I will be busy.
Because I only worked two days last week, this week I don't have much money. But this week I am working 6 days!!! I'm looking forward to next week. I will become a rich person!)
Anyway... feel free to help out! I know it's sloppy but I'm out of practice at the moment since University has finished for the year.
And thanks again mame!