Thread: Why Chopsticks?
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noodle (Offline)
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11-29-2007, 07:49 AM

MMM, i have to agree a little with what tenchu said... your explanation is a bit tooo "poetic"... i think if japanese people read this, they'd be confused. Most of them wouldn't even realise that they use chopsticks for this reason. They would just say, this is what we are used to and this is easier to use than a FKS.

And as for the thing about not wanting to stab and cut your food etc, that was a chinese myth to why they used chopsticks. its hardly accepted by anyone, even chinese people! They used to say that it was inhumain to cut up your food or to let the guest work by cutting up their food to eat!!! Fair enough it sounds logical and all, but i doubt thats the real reason since back in the day, most people ate food like pigs anyway!!!

Also, that part about food being appealing for all the senses is actually a western thing.. It was westerners that started all that stuff about how food has to be beautiful looking, lovely smelling etc.... i won't add delicious. because i think everyone that cooks hopes to make something delicious!

The bottom line is, people use chopsticks because, its easier for their food, and its what they have grown up with...

ps. my theory is that poor people invented chopsticks (from twigs from trees), and that it was easier and cheaper to make than a fork and knife!! hehehehehehehehehe
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