Thread: Why Chopsticks?
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JF Ossan
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11-29-2007, 06:52 PM

Let me clarify myself a little.

First let me say, ITADAKIMASU, don't be silly. If we always did what was easiest the world would be a crispy burnt marshmallow circling the sun right now. To say that ease of efficiency is better is nothing short of lazy.

I looked at the original question of "Where do chopsticks come from?" and answered it in the context of food and traditional Japanese culture. I didn't approach it as "Why does a modern Japanese person use chopsticks?" or maybe the question should have been "Why do Japanese STILL use chopsticks?"

Yes, my romantic answer doesn't go anywhere near the thought patterns of a modern salary-man or college student.

Nyororin, I wrote it that way to sort of make a point. I just wanted to introduce the idea that culture can be found in unexpected places, and to give a different idea than "it's fast and easy", because, as we see, most Westerners hear don't believe that argument.

Noodle, I have had French meals, and they are beautufully presented. You said that it satifying all the senses was a western conscept, and I disagreed.
Of course all restuarants make a nice presentation. But take it down a notch. Compare a Hokka-hokka bento to a McDonalds meal. The bento is arranged, albeit quickly, by the maker. The McDonands is thrown into a bag.

Tenchu, I agree with your last post...(except about the apology ) I doubt a Japanese person would describe it that way either. Again, I just wanted to introduce the idea of traditional culture being a possible factor, along with "easy to shovel it in".
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