Originally Posted by ATX
Thanks, Nattybumppo, for your quick response. Very helpful.
The word Sup3rfr3sh has '3's instead of 'e's, so how should I change your "スーパーフレッシュ"?
Also, can you have 'super' and fresh' in 2 separate symbols?
Are there symbols/katakana for 'brand' 'number one' and 'streetwear' ?
Lastly, can you put AESTHETIX phonetically in Japanese katakana, please.
Please let me know.
Thanks so much.
I'll help a little. KATAKANA is a phoetic system. There isn't any way to put three's in there and have people still be able to read it. "3" in Japanese can't replace "e" because there is no "e" to replace.
スーパー super
フレッシュ fresh
(be careful. "スーパー super" by itself means "supermarket" or "grocery store")
I'll leave the last one for someone else.