Originally Posted by Tenchu
Maybe my reply to you in the Christmas thread is a good reason. Also, I was just being me, and I was on TV, they said I embarass the Army, am a bad person, my whole life people gave me a hard time for things and it was just stupid. I know the people well, I have traveled the whole country, and from what I have seen there are few people that like me. But the truth is, they are all the stupid ones. Say all this bad stuff about me on TV and stuff, but they are weak, they are cowards, the entire country does nothing but strive for and embrace their own weakness. Almost every single person in that country is afraid. Now they are afraid of me. I see it in their eyes. They will all talk about me behind my back, but when we meet face to face they try and slam the door in my face and lock it behind them... Hm, but I guess anywhere I go people are afraid...

what did you do for you to be on tv? did you try to kill someone or something???????