Way too serious
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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12-01-2007, 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by InsaneDoll
your interpretation as unpolished and weakly done and etc etc of their early work amused me just a little.
Well, i do think that most of the bands at the time of creating their 1st (and maybe 2nd and 3rd) album are still in the search for their own style and sound, often ignoring criticism towards them... and only later on, they have gathered enough of experience and enough of $ to hire a good producer [a half-joke] to help them cut off their unneeded edges and polish their performance and skills... And the ways I see it, Crematory, although is one of my favorite bands, have not been an exception of this pattern, same as Sonata Arctica, In Flames, Blood Stain Child, Dark Tranquility and many many others...
I don't know if it's due to my Audiophilic perspective and the requirement of as balanced, harmonized and clean sound in order to experience pleasure from the music i listen to, but when it comes to music, it s very common for me to say that "the 1st puppies are always meant to be drowned" (there most probably is no such saying in the english language, but the point is that the 1st attempts of doing something are usually far from perfect and should be discarded). This may also be due to the fact that most musicians share the same aspirations- to become recognized, famous, the best and in their rush to make the 1st record, to make their music more widespread (and earn $ of course), they often forget that talent and fresh ideas are not the only things to make a successful album.