Originally Posted by smiletmsw
Hi, my name is Yuko. I am living in Tokyo and studying English now.
Are you interested in Japan or Japanese?
Why don't you exchange languages each other?
I can make you a very good Japanese speaker and teach you anything you want to know about Japan or Japanese.
If you use Skype, I want to talk with it very much. If you don't, it is easy to install and free.
I am very looking forward to your reply.
I will write you back as soon as possible! 
I'm glad to meet you....I've been interested in anime & manga for about 4 years. I'm pretty good at english...it always amuses me when the english subtitlers mispell an english word. For example... your & you're...your is possessive in that it indicates the ownership of something, but you're is a contraction of you are.As a result of my interest in anime, I been slowly learning spoken japanese.