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Mabuikoneko (Offline)
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12-02-2007, 03:49 PM

Its nice that you want this at a young age ^^
When you get to high school, At your junior year up can sign up for a scholarship, so that for the summer you are able to go to japan with a host family. You'll be able to go to a school there and they'll be teaching you japanese and all there classes.

You have to ask your Counsellor or who ever in charge of your high school files and classes about this scholarship because its not that open to everyone



Don't worry about the race or food! They don't only eat fish, thats just idiots of the internet,
They have american supermarket and some products. Also the race don't worry of it!! Some stores say only japanese people allowed because they might have a membership program and they don't want people who are staying in japan only for a month they want long term people.

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