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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
12-02-2007, 11:42 PM

Looking for full-time teaching jobs without a 4-year degree is a little tricky. Is 200,000 so bad? I don't think so.

You may be hitting diminishing returns if the priority is being inside Tokyo. You might make another few man a month, but if your living expense are double, is it worth it?

I lived in a 6-jyo apartment just outside of Osaka for 60,000 a month. My friend lived about 30 minutes from me, farther away from the city. He paid 60,000 a month for a three-bedroom house.

What's the appeal of living in Tokyo? I mean, you are already married, so the singles/club scene isn't it. Everything's more expensive. It's more crowded. You don't want to start a family there unless you have a fairly big house or apartment, and that's going to be expensive.
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