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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
12-03-2007, 06:00 AM

I know what I said is unfairly slamming on the girls working these places when it should be directed at the business itself. My opinion of hostesses stems from how I perceive Japan's sex industry in general, a bunch of sleaze. I don't exactly feel that these sorts of businesses are improving Japan's sexual health and women's status in society. I can understand the driving force behind it, a history of geishas who were in my opinion very talented (as in like musically and socially gifted) prostitutes and like samokan points out easy money. But I still find the practice in general and the businesses associated with them such as massage parlors and soap lands to be degrading to women.

Most foreigners working as hostesses are from the Phillipines, Eastern Europe, China and other Asian countries. And not that the hostess industry is to blame for it, but Japan does have a problem with human trafficking. Some girls come over and their passports are taken from them. Then they become virtual prisoners in black market brothels. Some are beaten and psychologically abused. Told that they will be in big trouble if the government finds out they are in the country illegally.

To me, the hostess industry is the most visible part of what I see as Japan's sex industry. This is basically the cause of my negative views of hostesses.
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