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(#8 (permalink))
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anrakushi (Offline)
Posts: 351
Join Date: Dec 2007
12-03-2007, 08:31 AM

i would say that it all depends on what level of kanji learning you are planning. in this day and age you don't really need to know how to write kanji, many of my japanese friends are forgetting how to write kanji, constantly checking their keitai or jisho. so if all you care about is recognising kanji and words using them, then go nuts with the flash cards.

personally i think flash cards are not appropriate for learning kanji and really knowing them well. you need to write them.

i have set up a program called ProVoc (OS X application) with kanji and compounds for each kanji. i will run though them, with it showing the english and asking me the japanese. before i type it into the computer i write the kanji in my book. then i type it and check i wrote the right ones. i have found this really effective for not only recognising those kanji i have learnt but also being able to write them. im sure there are programs you can set up to do the same thing on windows if that is what you are using.
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