12-03-2007, 01:44 PM
just from reading through here i think there are a lot of misconceptions about osaka, i guess that is expected since everyone finds out about tokyo more so.
personally i would choose osaka, because i have lived in the kansai region while studying at university there and well frankly, kansaiben is just so nice. i have been heavily influenced by kansai people and i think i couldn't stand living in tokyo purely because of kantouben.. haha.
but yeah i mean the are both big cities, both full of gaijin. i would choose osaka if travelling is your thing. so much history and culture around the area. there certainly are clubs and that in osaka too, lots of fun to be had.
tokyo will be the last place i live. im planing to move back to japan next year, kansai will be my destination although miyazaki is looking appealing so i can keep up my surfing~