Originally Posted by lucagalbu
why do you use が? Doesen't it depend on the context? E.g. 猫は二匹いる means "there are two cats", while 猫が二匹いる means "two cats are there"; i.e. in the first case I focus the attention on the fact that there are 2 cats (and not 3 or 4 or...) while in the second case I focus the attention on the fact that there are cats (and not other kind of animals).
...well, maybe it's not a good example, but I mean: it depends on the context if I use wa or ga, isnt'it?
It does depend on the context, but with this example of cats... I`d say 90% of the time you`d use が. A different example, and you might use は more. I can only think of a few situations in which you`d use は for the cat example, and none of them are common.