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JF Ossan
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12-04-2007, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by jasonbvr View Post
Yeah, there seems to be a lot of those socially inept types in Japan. I'm not trying to Japan bash or anything, it's just an obversation. You get them in an English class and it's like, what do I do with this person? They can barely maintain a conversation in Japanese much less English.

I don't think there is are many vehicles to teach social interaction in Japan. It's too easy to be a wallflower. For example, there aren't social events at schools like dances, which are a big petri dish for learning how to talk to the opposite sex. Less women in Japan today are going to college to meet men, and are going to learn a career. Suddenly these guys are 35 and realize they have never talked to a girl before.
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