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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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Unhappy 12-04-2007, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by ViolentAJ View Post
I am not saying that Blacks are superior to all races, I am saying that contrary to latrino belief, they are not the best of all races. I am saying that Blacks are people too, and we can be just as good or bad as anyone else. The latrinos and japs refuse to see this though, but one day they will. I'm going to show those fuckers.
I don't know what your issue is with the Japanese and Latinos. First off, you haven't clarified anything for any of us. You haven't given us any explanation to as why you harbor this hatred. Stereotyping and insulting other races show an overwhelming amount of ignorance. Second, the use of the term "Japs" is disrespectful so you should refrain from the using the term in the future. Third, what are you talking about when you say racial justice shall pass. If your forum name "ViolentAJ" has anything to do with your personality then I see why you have had problems forming successful relationships. My advice to you is to learn more about yourself, the world, and possibly seek a higher level of education. Believe me, If you put your heart and soul into self-improvement it should make a huge difference.

P.S. I'm half Japanese and Black. As a Japanese person I just feel pity for you. As a Black person though, I am embarrassed by the words you have typed in your posts.
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