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seaghyn (Offline)
Posts: 36
Join Date: Dec 2007
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12-05-2007, 12:09 AM

Robotics ftw =). I've got another question I was wondering about, but it's not a life or death one, so if it takes time for a real answer, that's fine. What I was wondering was this:

I am going to ARC Academy from January to March, for a three month intensive course.(Took me too long to prepare for senior year here and then add in Calculus, Physics, English IV CP and Gov/Economics, time went flying by, and it became too late to apply for a year long January or April start year long course.)

So yes, I fell behind. But I was able to get into this school for a three month course. Problem is, I can't get an April course, so the next course start I could get is in July (Which I will be going to "ARC Academy, KCP International, Akamonkai Japanese Language School."

To sum it up, this all means that I will be heading back to the states in early April to late June, for one thing, and one thing only. $Work$. (School takes a lot out of you, what can I say =)) This isn't too bad, as it would give me a bit back home time with family/friends, as well as alot of English (downside is I'd be missing out on 3 months of intensive Japanese Language)

I guess what I'm trying to get at, and I apologize for my roundabout ways of giving too much information to get to my point, =P, but it is this:

Do any of you out there know of any type of job a foreigner could get, knowing about the equivalent of JLPT Level four amount of characters, and basic communication skills? (Maybe an English help desk?) Preferably some kind of physical job, as in stocking, loading/unloading trucks, something out of the way of interaction where my language skills may hurt a business, but still allowing me to be in an area where my Japanese wouldn't fail after 3 months, but grow.

If you don't have any ideas, that's fine, I was just wondering, as a roundtrip ticket is around 1 grand, and thats about a month of work, 40 hours a week, at minimum wage. So any kind of job I could work at from April to June? (I know I'd need to apply for another visa or something)

Thanks very much for the help guys. Again, RoBoTiCs FTW. Also inventing new types of "mobility" on wheels =).

Last edited by seaghyn : 12-05-2007 at 12:11 AM.
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