Thread: Romance <3
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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12-05-2007, 05:46 AM

I have a habit of bringing back my own threads, eh? xD Anyhow, I want to watch Sola, but I'm a little bit worried...Mostly because I just watched an AMV where
*****SPOILERS!!! FOR SOLA*****
A girl gets stabbed with a piece of glass by some guy -_-"


And THATS the meaning of life Just kidding, ya didn't miss much if you didn't read the spoilers xD. But anyone who did, tell em, whats up with that? 0_o And if possible, just give me a "Nah, its not that big." Or an "Ah shit, you killed it for yourself", instead of a long, spoiler filled explanation. Thank ya! =D

Last edited by Powermad147 : 12-15-2007 at 04:53 AM.
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