Originally Posted by MMM
I think "scared to go to Japan" is like saying "scared to go to Disneyland".
Well, to be fair, it's closer to "going to Disneyland halfway around the world, where you don't speak the language or understand the culture, and where there are a great many things that can be exciting and different, but maybe a bit scary too". Personally, I was much more excited than scared, but I grew up in a small rural town in far northern California, the only foreign country I'd visited before was Canada, and I'd just signed a 1 year contract to live and work in a country on the other side of the world where I didn't know a single person or speak any of the language! On top of that, I was going to be living on my own for the 1st time in my life (I'd lived at home through university to save money). So it was a little scary, but also incredibly exciting.